Welcome to Ride the Road
Our intention is to find the best bicycling throughout the world. We have visited more than 70 countries in Asia, Africa, Europe, South America and North America since we started touring in 1979. Every time we encounter other bikers, especially on highly rated trips we always asked, “Where are your favorite places to bike?” and we go there. This method has proven successful. For example, who would independently come to the idea of biking in Uganda, Sulawesi, Sri Lanka or the Philippines? We’ve also suffered through Java and Namibia. Even there we discovered some good biking.

For more about our adventures, please navigate our Web site. Here you will find maps and useful information for use in cycle touring, wherever the road may take you.
We spent a year, our honeymoon in 1970, hitchhiking around the world. We developed a rhythm and comfort with constant change. After we returned home, our vacations felt as if we were just looking, not participating in the travel experience until we discovered bicycle touring.
Our first bicycle tour, in 1979, we flew with bikes to Tupelo Mississippi, birthplace of Elvis Presley (we didn’t know this until we got there). We rode right out of the airport with small flight bags bungeed on racks over the rear wheels. We were treated to meals in cafés and invited to a wedding dance.

2004 – trip Santiago Chile to Florianopolis Brazil – Argentina from Aconguija (Buena Vista) to Concepcion
We were privy to information reserved for the locals. When we stopped at the general store we were told, “Old Hal’s still (bootlegged whisky) was hit by the Feds on Friday night, but Elmer’s is operatin.” A “tourist” would drive up and the locals stopped the banter, became silent and acted shy. Once the “tourist” was gone the banter picked up again, we were given messages for the next store “not three miles down the road” and backslapped off the porch.
We are independent travelers who have found that bicycling is a great way to experience the world.
Peter graduated from Georgetown University in 1962. He and Sally married in November 1969. Together they traveled the around the world for the year of 1970. Since then, Peter and Sally have made their home in Milwaukee, Wisconsin. Peter went into the ice cream and restaurant business in 1973 and still owns and operates The Chocolate Factory restaurants in Milwaukee. Sally worked in the travel business as a travel agent and later as an owner of a successful travel agency in Milwaukee from 1971 to 2001. When a friend introduced them to cycle touring in the late 70’s it fit like a glove. This web site is the culmination of their touring by bike all over the world since 1979.

March 2015, Peter in the Chocolate Hills on Bohol Island, Philippines